The Rocket
The Rocket was created by Larry Schultz and named by Bobby Weir of the Grateful Dead. Larry Schultz combined first, second and third series of Ashtanga yoga and sequenced the poses around the joints of the body, bringing advanced poses to beginners. The Rocket, as the name suggests, “gets you there faster” and includes arm balances, back bends, core exercises, and inversions.
Video: In loving memory of Larry Schultz – Rocket Man
The Rocket is actually a system of yoga which includes three routines that are meant to be practiced together throughout the week. This enables Rocket yogis to work the whole body in a therapeutic manner. If all three Rockets are practiced each week you will experience over 140 poses and many Rocket transitions.
The Rocket has been designed to be practiced according to a weekly schedule as follows:
Sunday: Ashtanga Primary Series (or modified)
Monday: Rocket 1 – emphasis on standing poses and forward bending
Tuesday: Rocket 2 – emphasis on arm balances, back bends, and twists
Wednesday: Rocket 2
Thursday: Rocket 1
Friday: Rocket 3 Happy Hour – a fun combination of Rocket 1 and 2
Saturday: Rest