Rachel Sullivan Yoga

rocket vinyasa yoga & mindfulness practice

September, 2015

One Breath at a Time

Eka pada rajakapotasana

Sutra 2.46 sthira sukham asanam स्थिरसुखमासनम् Something awesome happened in my practice last week. I decided to really let go of expectations and outcomes and instead to concentrate on moving my body and breathing. I started playing around with Rocket 3 practice, blending leg work and standing postures with more back-bending and heart-opening variations of poses. I […]

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The Challenge of a Consistent Practice

There has been a lot of discussion recently among the yoga community about body image, diversity, and of course, the “yoga selfie.” A lot of this conversation is centered around how yoga is portrayed on social media, especially Instagram. This is where we get the stereotype of modern yoga practitioners as thin, white, females with […]

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Yoga Month and the Obstacle of Ignorance

Fall is almost upon us, and it is one of my favorite seasons, not just because I am a pumpkin spice latte-sipping, yoga pants-wearing female. The air becomes cooler, football season has arrived, and we often find renewed motivation as we return to school or simply begin a new season. I was delighted to find out that […]

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